Performance Chronometric Skill

During the XII Summer Marathon 2024, pilots will have the opportunity to test their chronometric precision skills by measuring themselves using a new formula. The format will consist of a series of 3 heats, approximately 1 km long each, which will take place on the course or in reserved private spaces:

First Leg Manches:
A - Colico.
B - Prata Camortaccio (Chiavenna)
C - Livigno

Second Leg Manches:
D - Livigno
E - Lasa
F - Folgarida

Third Leg Manches:
G - Ossana
H - Malonno
I - Rogno

During the first lap the crews will establish, at their discretion, a travel time for the route which will then act as a reference for the second and third heats.

In the next two laps, however, the drivers will have to travel the track setting the same time established in the previous lap; without the possibility of blocking the wheels (stopping) as they must always be in motion.

The chronometric precision test will have the hundredth as its unit of measurement.

For every hundredth of an advance or delay with respect to the time set as a parameter during the first lap, a penalty point will be applied which will be multiplied by the coefficient attributed to the crew's car based on the year of construction of the car.

The winner will be the crew with the least number of penalties.

The rankings will be different: a general ranking and the rankings for each individual group of cars:

- Historic cars up to 1991;
- Youngtimer from 1992 to 2010;
- Tribute Supercars from 2011 to the present day.

The participation of the crew registered in the event is optional and must be indicated at the time of registration.

Important prizes will be awarded to the overall winners (at the end of the 27 tests) of each group.


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