Registration Form:

Fill out in ANY parts the entry form You find below and You will receive, to confirm of sending request, an automatic reply with Iban code for making the payment and other informations about necessary documentation to complete the registration (copy of driver license, medical certificate and picture of the car). The request, correlated by the payment of the relative fee, is to be considered a reservation.

Registration Form

1. Driver:

2. Co-Driver:

All the above mentioned papers shall be brought to the scrutineering.

3. Car:

Is the car transported on a trailer/car transporter? (for parking space assignment in San Pellegrino Terme)

NB. All the above mentioned papers shall be brought to the scrutineering.
NB. Send an email to with a photograph of the car attached.

4. Car Category:

5. Entry Fee:

6. Type of Hotel Accomodation Required:

7. Registration Method:

The registration must be completed in all its parts and paid by bank transfer to the following coordinates:

PAYABLE TO: A.S.D. Classic Cars Experience
BANK: Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Breno Agency
IBAN: IT60I0569654160000057992X24

In the event of crew cancellation communicated by 20 MAY 2025 a penalty equal to 50% of the amount paid will be applied; beyond this date no refund will be given.
If the event cannot take place due to unforeseen reasons of force majeure (e.g. COVID-19, natural disaster), the amount paid by the crew will be kept valid for the next edition.

8. Billing Data:

If you wish to receive an invoice, you must also fill in the following information:

9. Notes:

10. Registration request and privacy confirmation:

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003, we authorize the organizer of the event to collect and process this data:

Declaration of the conductor and co-pilot. The competitor and the crew members, both individually and jointly, declare and accept, for themselves and for all the people who work for them during the Summer Marathon 2025, the following: a) to possess the preparation and expertise necessary to participate in tests of the type to which this registration refers and which b) to comply with and submit to the rules that regulate the conduct of this race which takes place according to the provisions of the Highway Code and the ACI Regulations. They release ASD Classic Cars Experience, the Organizing Committee and all their race officials, collaborators, assistants (...) from any liability for any case of damage they may incur following participation in the Summer Marathon 2025.

INFORMATION (pursuant to art. 13 regarding personal data). Your personal data will be processed by us by electronic means for the purpose of: a) free sending of information on cultural and recreational initiatives; b) marketing, promotional activities and sending of information material; c) social media communications via the Summer Marathon Facebook and Instagram pages. For mailing operations, the data may be communicated to external companies appointed by the organization of the event. Finally, we remind you that to assert your rights, provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n° 196, you can contact the data controller by writing to:
CONSENT (pursuant to article 13 of the Code regarding personal data)

If You do not receive a phone call within 72 hours, You are kindly requested to contact the Organization Office by calling:
Phone (+39) 0364.900300 - Mobile (+39) 345.6611049 - Mobile (+39) 345.6566147


2011-2025 © Classic Car Experience - P.I. 04713490169
Via Marco Polo, 2A - 24062 Costa Volpino BG
T. +39 0364 900300 - M. +39 338 4734881 - M. +39 345 6611049 - Privacy & Cookie Policy


An extraordinary worldwide ambassador to promoting the tourist, hystorical, cultural, food and wine excellences of the areas crossed.


Summer Marathon collaborates with UNICEF to help the neediest children and to guarantee their rights.

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